|Select Back|: turns off all selected objects except the backmost — use it to setup a blend. |Select Front|: turns off all selected objects except the frontmost — use it to setup a blend. |Blend Other HSB|: blends colors as hue, saturation, and brightness. Hue is blended counter-clockwise (on color palette) on objects from back-to-front. |Blend Clockwise HSB|: blends colors as hue, saturation, and brightness. Hue is blended clockwise (on color palette) on objects from back-to-front. |-|: |All of Above|: blends colors, patterns, and thickness between frontmost and backmost objects. |Thickness|: blends the thickness of the pen for lines or borders. |Patterns|: blends the pen or fill patterns. |Colors|: blends the red, green and blue components of color.